Shigemi Numazawa


This deep celestial photographical book is writen by Shigemi Numazawa in 1993.


  • Total 183pages duo-tone printing.

  • 132 deep sky photographs taken by high speed schmidt camera.

  • Many charts for finding.

  • Objects data, photo technical data.

  • Introduction of taking and process technique.

  • Explanetion in Japanese & English

How To Get The Book

Please contact with Japan IPS. You send fax or call to a person in chair of the company. A person in chair is Mr. Sakakazu
Tel; 81-3-3238-0700
Fax; 81-3-3238-0707
And please tell him the following;
1. Publishing company:Seibundo Shinkosya
3-3-11 Hongou, Bunkyou-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN
TEL 03-5805-7761 FAX 03-5805-7766
2. Book name: THE DEEP SKY
3. Author: Shigemi Numazawa
4. How many books do you need?
5. Your address, name, phone number or fax number

You will receive the pamphlet and a bill from that company.

If you have any question, please send an E-mail

沼澤茂美のすべての作品は、 atlas@atlasphoto.comで管理しています。

